E-mail: davide.prato.88@gmail.com

Tel (Italy): +39 3408146337

Tel (UK): +44 7541931480


Agusta bestiale

Agusta bestiale - Engine

Big red GT

Marley Chant Speaker

Waiting for the last train


Revolver from Brink

personal photo

Davide Prato

25 years old, Master Degree in Computer Science

During my studies I developed a growing interest towards the world of Computer Graphics until it became my main occupation.

From 3d generalis to Unity3D programmer for an italian company I've decided to attend the Escape Studios in the 2013 for taking my skills to the next level.

Known Software

Maya, Houdini, Unity 3D, Blender, ZBrush, Mudbox, 3DEqualizer, Nuke, Sony Vegas, Mari, Photoshop, Illustrator, Octane